Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Blogging to Resume

This has always been intended to be a blog in which I discuss my research into the world of complex adaptive systems. I've been spending the past several months reinvigorating my modeling skills, as well as developing my quantitative analysis capabilities (both the skills and the software).

In the coming year, I expect there will be much of interest here. In my next post, I plan to present some results in one of the three modeling areas I am investigating. The next few entries will document:

- The basic precepts of my dissertation research
- Preliminary results for an agent-based model of civil revolt.
- Progress and results of a model of the labor market.
- Progress and results of a model of stock market trading.
- Underlying questions that ABM research can help with.
- The companion statistical techniques that should accompany ABM research and help to understand its output.
- The question of how to build 'valid' agent-based models. (I think there needs to be an article written on standardizing the validation process.)

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